If you are following along with the instructions, enter the cgminer directory, pull and rebuild: cd /git/vthoang/cgminer/ git pull. The top isn't refreshing the hash rate so i dont know how its doing but the bottom (start nonce, start voltage, and start freq) part just keeps looping with different values.Īnd when i go to slushes pool dashbord it doenst say any of my workers are going. A: Updates to main cgminer and gekko updates will be checked in regularly. SB management ool management ettings isplay options uit im working with slush's pool and using putty to conect to my pi. That follows this tutorial and everything worked smoothly. If you found this useful, I accept Bitcoin donations by following this link. And if your Pi is failing to communicate with your Antminer U3 via cgminer, unplug and reconnect the USB cable. You can also SSH into your Pi at any time and run sudo screen -x cgminer to view your cgminer screen. You can play around with voltage and frequencies by following the table in the official manual, found here, there's no real need to change what I suggested above though. My Antminer U3 is running at around ~59-60Gh/s, hopefully yours should be the same.
#Install cgminer on raspberry pi password
cgminer -bmsc-options 115200:0.57 -o POOL -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -bmsc-voltage 0800 -bmsc-freq 1286 Sudo nano /etc/rc.local - remember, Ctrl-X to exit, then type Y and press Enter to save changes.Īdd this just above exit 0, again enter your own pool, username and password: Now, add cgminer to start automatically when the Pi is powered on and create a screen session: You either had to run Wheezy or Pidora in soft-float mode.
#Install cgminer on raspberry pi install
Eventually finding out that you cannot install MONO onto a raspberry Pi that is running hard-float from the Debian libraries. When I first tried OpenSim a long time ago.
Test cgminer is working correctly by running the following (input your own pool, username and password): My Raspberry Pi operating in semi-headless mode. Install, configure and also enable bmsc options:Įxport LIBCURL_CFLAGS=’-I/usr/include/curl’ Sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-0 libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev screen libtool automake pkg-config libjansson-dev screen Login via PuTTY with the default username/password, then raspi-config if you would like to change the hostname, default password and so on. Run a fresh install of Raspbian using NOOBS, after the install type ifconfig and make a note of the IP address, so that you can remotely SSH into your Pi. However, before installing Cgminer on your. To do this, it uses USB Miners power and searches for blocks. That link is useless if you're running an Antminer U3, here's how I got mine working using screen and PuTTY. Cgminer is responsible for mining cryptocurrency.